Monday, November 8, 2010

Goodbye and God Bless!

Please read previous post on Last Minute Pointers before you read this.

Howdy soon to be freed slaves!

Just wanted to thank everyone for a great year. Thank you for the great memories and for putting up with my hyper-cynical and rude nonsense! Some of you have been infected by this disease. My apologies in advance.

You guys have worked so hard. I pray you get the grades you deserve. I honestly believe you can ALL pass if you do what you need to do in the exam hall. Be cool, make smart decisions and be vigilant of the common errors. Be confident. You can do it!

This is probably the end of my teaching journey. I've thoroughly enjoyed working with young people and getting to know so many of you so well. I wonder what God has planned for me next.

Goodbye and God Bless you!

Stay tuned to this blog I intend to use it to chronicle my adventures Down Under!

Raymond Andrew
9th November 2010.

Some last minute pointers

I've collated these comments based on my last consultations with all of you. There are a number of issues which keep cropping up and I'll try to deal with these.

Paper 1 Question analysis

1. Please be aware that not all Absolute questions carry the usual absolute terms, so you must use your analytical skills to ascertain the nature of the question. There is a simple test. Ask yourself, "From a logical perspective, is this a question I MUST disagree with because it is an extreme comment/suggestion? Or can I from a logical perspective choose to agree?" If you find that you MUST disagree, that is an Absolute Question. There are some questions that you judge to be Absolutes, but in exceptional situations you may choose to agree if you have the evidence to prove it. Not recommended to be honest.

2. Do also note that words like 'greatest' and 'the most', 'too much', 'too little' can be interpreted as absolutes. Here the onus is on the student to say that the subject is 'great/a lot but NOT the greatest', 'good/bad but NOT the most', 'a lot, but NOT too much", 'little, but NOT too little' etc.

3. Words like 'sole', 'just', 'all' and 'every' can also be interpreted as Absolutes. I can't give you all the answers, you need to use your logical analytical skills.

4. Question analysis is something you can't mess up, so go through all the essays and outlines we have printed for you. The questions picked by SR are chosen to reflect as many concept words as possible and maximise your exposure. So you must do this to avoid 'bombing' and misinterpreting the question.

5. Practice some question selection today. It is absolutely vital that you pick a question that suits you and offers the most amount of scope as possible. These days the questions are not as general as they used to be, so you need to find the most general question in that list. Pick three and then choose one. Question selection must be done in 5 minutes flat.

6. You need to find that right balance between scope and depth. A lot of scope and little depth is also not good. You should do questions that allow you to use information from a variety of issue areas. Do not do a detailed question (Eg. Recycling or Formal Education) unless you feel you have enough content for the 4-7 paragraphs including balance.

7. Extent. Simply balancing an answer does not mean you have dealt with extent. You must show the degree. So you may argue that you agree with a certain point of view, but you would not go so far as to argue xyz. Where would you draw the line? Are there exceptions? Limitations? Conditions? Remember these phrases as well as CAL, CAF, SPERM when brainstorming.

8. You must have realised by now that a good answer always deals with Extent even when not asked for. That's just good evaluation skills.

Paper 2

1. Short Questions. You must try and analyse the question before jumping in. If you know the question type, you'll know what to do. Please go through the notes from Mr Daniel Tan's lecture on Short Questions. It was a very thorough lecture. Please go through all the Unit practices and analyse the questions and answers. If you're missing stuff sms me (98455900) with email address. I'll send it to you.

2. I expect perfect scores for certain kinds of questions such as Paraphrase (isolate key ideas and paraphrase), irony, paradox and metaphors. All two steps here.

3. Many of you can't identify metaphors! If there is no contextual reason to refer to a 'bullet' or 'chariot' or 'treadmill' or 'tapestry', surely you are staring at a metaphor. Be vigilant! Watch out for basic grammatical errors like Tenses, SVA, Articles, Determiners etc.

4. Application Question. Please remember the structural elements. Quick intro : stand and reasoning (no need to summarise authors' views). Topic sentences are important, don't start with quotes!

5. The definition of balance varies, so you must be intellectually flexible. If you have two passages and both are saying similar things, the balance may be that one is less feasible or applicable in your country or that one is more convincing because of xyz or one has elements that may be less than true etc

6. If there are two passages that are polar opposite obviously you agree with one and disagree with the other. Etc. Be flexible and forget about bloody formulas. Just answer the question directly. Use PEEL. The link back to stand is important.

7. If there is one passage check if the AV is supplied by author. If not you have to balance through your own ideas and EV.

Be COOL people. Manage your breathing and heart-rate. You must be relaxed but vigilant and sharp and constantly aware of what you need to do (steps) and the errors you always commit. Do not discuss the paper at all with anyone including me. Try your very best and move on. Pls read through the blog comments here from a year ago. The comments are still relevant.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Common Test: Some pointers

1. Read AQ question first, then summary and short qn.

2. Annotate. Identify function of para (Arg, Elab, Observ, Data). How is it linked to others? Do Para summary. Use colours, highlights, underline, circle etc. Interact with the text.

3. Analyse qn type and mark allocation. How many steps, how many marks?

4. Summary: Key step is number points and select points to paraphrase. Paraphrase key ideas not key words. Examples cannot be used. Generalise them.

5. AQ: Analyse qn req properly. Key step: You must identify the Arg that allows you to answer the qn and engage in a discussion that leads to Eg and Eval. Structure: Stand, Expl, Eval. Eg. Not neccessarily in that order, but all the ingredients must be there. Never use examples from the passage. If you do. you must complement with your own. Not sure how to Eval? Use PIPICACI!!!

Try your best. Whatever you achieve will make the next climb easier!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekend homework 27 Feb

1. Of the three comprehension practices, DO PRACTICE 1. This should be done your third GP lesson of the week. First two lessons will be spent reviewing STAR test on GM food.

2. You are to log on to Diigo and comment on three articles Diigod in the last week. Obviously, this should involve analysis. USE PIPICACI.

3. The LISTS are the most important thing on Diigo and many of you can't find them. On the right hand side of the Group page you'll find a Group Info page. You can see my name 'Raymond Andrew' in a blue hyperlink. Click on that. You'll reach my Profile Page. Scroll down and you'll find the link to the LISTS. Click on MORE for the full list of 14. These lists will come in handy at exams.

4. The other thing you can do when you reach my Profile Page is 'Follow Me'. This will give you access to my Library. The LISTS are on the right hand side of the Library page.

I sincerely hope you guys will use Diigo. It's a fantastic tool and you're the first batch to use it.
